Multimedia Documentation Center of Julian Istrian Fiumana Dalmatian Culture
February 9th, 2025
+39 040 771569


The stornello, clearly imported from central Italy (Tuscany and Lazio), provides a communicative medium that is still highly appreciated today, especially for its particular, characteristic climate of singing competition.
The “singing competition” atmosphere, especially when the singer is accompanied by a guitar or accordion, is normally a simple accompaniment with chords in the traditional 2/4 time that often and willingly, in the most incisive verses, turns into a waltz (therefore with a ternary time) or vice versa, alternating with a change of speed. This atmosphere of singing challenge is well found especially in the stornelli of Gallesano and Dignano even if many stornelli come from Pirano, Montona, Buie, Verteneglio, Torre and Villanova.

I sing the folk songs, I know a lot

I sing the folk songs, I know a lot
Whoever knows more than me, come forward.

You walk not you walk you walk in vain
if you search the bushes it will be your loss.

And dress in black if I left you
but I have already rowed you inside your little boat.

When I loved you I loved you a hundred times
I made love to you to pass the time.

I have always been a friend of good wine
and always loved by beautiful women.

This is the district of la Tofe
this is the anus that is taken cover.

You can make someone fall in love but with madness
I love you more than my mother.

Let's go to sleep because it's late
please say hello to my first love.
Take a seat on the balcony but if you're there

Take a seat on the balcony but if you're there
give me a glass of water if you have it.

But if you don't have any water, give me some wine.
and if you don't have any wine, give me a kiss.

Sometimes in this district there was a flower
now there is an abandoned castle.

Enjoy the balcony or the riciolona
after midnight in the good air.

As I walk this path my heart aches
the mule is happy but her parents don't want it.

Love love love what have you done to me
you made me fall in love then you left me.