Speech by the President of the Republic 10.02.2016 – Remembrance Day
"Our identity as a democratic and European country could not accept that important pages of its history were torn out, leaving our fellow citizens of the "eastern border" in a sort of moral abandonment. Re-establishing historical truth and cultivating memory ...
Remembrance Day 2016, the dignity of the Istrian, Fiume and Dalmatian Exiles
In a period in which the migratory emergency and the drama of civilians involved in wars are of dramatic relevance, the Day of Remembrance takes on particular importance, since it would first of all be said that the oblivion that has affected the complex story of the ...
«We, Istrian, Fiume and Dalmatian exiles, and the partisans: it is the truth that reconciles»
Dear Director, I am writing to you regarding the article by Lucia Bellaspiga (“Avvenire” of Sunday 17 January 2016) on the important seminar promoted by the Anpi (National Association of Italian Partisans) regarding «The dramatic story of the Eastern Borders». The announcement of this event had caused a certain nervousness ...
Press release 20 October 2015
Most Illustrious President of the Republic, Hon. Sergio Mattarella Quirinale Palace, Rome Mr. President, We have learned with bitterness – from reading the article by Aldo Cazzullo in the «Corriere della Sera» of 11 October last – of the incredible state of ...